Can I switch on light?


(less than 300 AUD /MWh)

Home electricity consumption in Australia

Check out how much you are spending on electricity in Australia. Get notifications about peak electricity prices

Home appliances

We collected some major used home appliances in Australia for May 4, 2024, from 18:00:00 till 19:00:00 (CET). Washing machine (~2250W) costs average 0.00 AUD per hour. 0.00 AUD are spent by dishwasher (~1800W) hourly. Kettle (~1800W) takes 0.00 AUD per hour. To cook in oven (~2300W) costs 0.00 AUD per hour.

Electricity economy

Want to save money? You've come to the right place. Our electricity calculator will show you how much you could be saving if you switch providers or start using energy-efficient appliances.

Do your part for the environment

Did you know that each year, just one household can emit as much CO2 as 60 trees? Help save the environment and turn off your appliances when they're not in use with our handy guide.

Save on your electricity bills

We've got the best deals in town! Check out our price comparison tool to find a new provider that's right for you.

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